
Label: Light conveyor belt

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  • [ Industry News ] Are polyurethane pu products "wrongly killed"?

    As a polymer material with excellent performance, polyurethane thermal insulation material has become the fifth largest plastic after polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene and polystyrene, and the global total output has exceeded 10 million tons/year. In recent years, China's polyurethane industry has made great progress, and has been widely used in refrigerator, container, leather, shoemaking, textile and other fields. Of course, in our
    Published on: June 11, 2019 Clicks: 90

  • [ Industry News ] On the varieties, properties and prices of polyurethane pu finish

    We often see that some design units point out in the technical specification of anti-corrosion coating that polyurethane finish or acrylic polyurethane finish should be used as the finish paint, and then the paint purchasing unit makes an inquiry from the paint manufacturers according to this name in the inquiry list, but the prices quoted by the manufacturers are different, or even several times different. Why? This is because there are many kinds of polyurethane finish
    Published on: June 11, 2019 Number of hits: 70

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